Metro East Montessori School
Why Choose Montessori?
Enrollment in a Montessori preschool or kindergarten program offers a number of advantages for both children and parents:
  • The school’s unique learning environment challenges children in ways other schools cannot.
  • Children receive individualized attention that allows them to progress at a pace appropriate to their skills and maturity.
  • Experiences outside the classroom are as important a part of the child’s education as experience inside.
  • A 6:30 am to 6:00 pm day care program simplifies scheduling and transportation for working parents.
  • Preschoolers can spend their day in a challenging and nurturing environment at a cost comparable to basic day care, but with many more benefits.
A Unique Environment
The Montessori approach is designed to help children develop a strong, secure inner self as they grow from childhood to maturity. Its flexible method adapts to students’ individual abilities, learning styles, and social skills.
Montessori classrooms provide a prepared environment that encourages children's inherent love of learning by giving them opportunities to engage in spontaneous, meaningful activities under the guidance of a trained teacher. Children progress at their own pace and rhythm during these crucial years of development.
The classroom’s three-year age mix fosters individual and social development. More experienced children share what they have learned with newer students. Each child’s unique personality is encouraged; each child is a respected, important member of the community.
Life in the Montessori classroom promotes an intellectual and social discipline that lays the foundation for a happy, productive life. The children learn to appreciate the world, become responsible human beings, and actively participate in a harmonious society.